

"A good snapshot stops a moment from running away." ~Eudora Welty

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So Behind

Playing catch up on work is about as fun for me as having a root canal.  I have been EXTREMELY busy lately.  I am however counting my blessings.  80% of my time is spent looking at a computer screen.  The majority of that time is for my full time job.  I am very thankful for having a full time job that I like and a part time (photography) job that I love. 
Being behind with the full time job duties has been carrying over into the 41-55+ hours, post my 40 hour work week.  I have a project due July 2 so at least with a deadline there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Things could be worse, I could still be looking for the tunnel!

I have done two baseball teams recently, taken a trip to the zoo and celebrated my birthday.  All of course means photos that have yet to be posted.

I couldn't resist posting this one picture of Lucy from our trip to the zoon Sunday, June 13th.  She was so adorable wading around in the fountain.  I added the wording and if you only knew Lucy's personality, you'd know how true this is for her.